External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee says he has spoken with the Home Minister about the latest attack but it is premature to name any suspects. 印度外交部长穆克吉说,他就这起最新爆炸袭击跟内政部长交谈过,但是现在确认谁是嫌疑人还为时过早。
As you found out earlier, the mismatch in the EXTERNAL NAME and the Java method definition is the cause of the problem. 正如在前面发现的,EXTERNALNAME与Java方法定义不匹配是问题的原因。
EXTERNAL NAME: This parameter determines the location of the class file or JAR file and the method inside the file for the particular stored procedure. EXTERNALNAME:这个参数决定某个存储过程的类文件或JAR文件的位置以及文件内的方法。
The Database Server Administrator ( DBSA) can use a new built-in role, called EXTEND, to specify which users can register UDRs that include the EXTERNAL NAME clause. 数据库服务器管理员(DBSA)可以使用新的内置角色EXTEND指定哪些用户可以注册包含EXTERNALNAME子句的UDR。
External. getExternalStorageDirectory() returns the name of the storage card location, and a temporary file name is created in that directory. getExternalStorageDirectory()返回存储卡位置的名称,在该目录中将创建一个临时文件名。
The error message says that the EXTERNAL NAME clause is not a valid formatted string. 这个错误消息指出EXTERNALNAME子句是一个格式无效的字符串。
Before opening the external package for fetching samples, the external packages, the shipping mark number or contract number, name of goods and quantity shall be verified against the inspection application materials. 抽样启封前,应当与报验资料核对外包装,唛头号或合同编号,以及品名、数量等。
Indicates that an external procedure has another name in its dll. 指示外部过程在其dll中具有另一个名称。
In the get external data-excel spreadsheet dialog box, in the file name box, specify the name of the Excel source file. 在“获取外部数据-excel电子表格”对话框的“文件名”框中,指定excel源文件的名称。
An external style sheet is a plaintext file with a.css file name extension that contains only style rules. 外部样式表是一个具有.css文件扩展名的纯文本文件,仅包含样式规则。
If that fails, append "w" to the end of the external procedure name and look it up again. 如果查找失败,则在外部过程名称结尾附加“w”,并再次查找。
If an internal style and an external style have the same name, the internal style takes precedence. 如果某一内部样式和外部样式同名,则只有内部样式对页上的控件起作用。
The legal aspects of trademarks, domain names, and other external threats must be considered to protect the name and reputation from harm. 必须考虑到商标,域名的法律效力以及其他外部威胁,以使名誉免于受损。
Controls on the page can reference both internal and external styles by name. 页上的控件可以按名称引用内部样式和外部样式。
The flexible classification codes is divided into internal code and external code: the external code functions as the only identification of product, it contends big class code, name code and order code; 柔性分类编码分为内码和外码两部分:外码对零件起着唯一标识的作用,由大类识别码、名称类别码和顺序码三部分组成;
Included in 2003 the first batch external invasion species name list which the State Environmental Protection Agency announces, that is regarded as studying the biological invasion ecology and the genetics characteristic pattern plant. 2003年被列入国家环保总局公布的首批外来入侵物种名单,被看作是研究生物入侵生态学和遗传学特征的模式植物。
During Cold War Era, American external expansion has became political expansion from economical expansion; Soviet Union continue to take political expansion by the name of "Interenational revolution". 美国的对外扩张在冷战时期由经济扩张转向政治扩张,而苏联始终以世界革命为名推行政治扩张。